
April 26, 2009

Joey and Lorien are Engaged!

A few months ago my good friend Bill called me and asked if I would be willing to donate a photography for a silent auction to raise money for a mission trip at the UGA Wesley Foundation. Considering that 1) I love Bill and 2)I worked at Wesley for a year and 3)I love missions I really had no choice but to do it. As the auction was coming to an end the bidding had gotten pretty intense between Joey and Lorien and another couple(whos pictures I'm doing later this week...) and in the end Joey and Lorien won. So after fighting the bids and then rescheduling a few times due to crazy Georgia weather we finally got to go do some awesome pictures in Watkinsville. It was a beautiful sunny day and we had a ton of fun just walking around getting to know each other and snapping pictures. They are a really great couple and I'm glad I had the joy of getting to know them. Hope you enjoy the pictures!




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